The offer includes AUTUMN CHILLOUT in Moje Miejsce Jura include:
Are you a rock climber or do you want to start? The Kraków-Częstochowa Upland is the perfect place to start or continue your climbing adventure. We invite you to MY PLACE Jura, where in addition to a comfortable stay you will have at your disposal indoor bouldering gym! You will be able to improve your technique or do some training in case of bad weather. And after a day on the rocks, we invite you to take advantage of a relaxing session in the sauna. 😊
We are a pet-friendly facility. You can bring your pet with you. Dogs are welcome outside weekends. FREE!
Price: from 333 PLN / day / house
(price depends on the selected date, number of people in the reservation and the selected offer variant - non-refundable or refundable offer)
For an additional fee:
Moje Miejsce Jura is located in Lgota Murowana (Silesian Province) - in the heart of the northern Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, on the Trail of the Eagles' Nests.
Details and reservations:
tel. 532 376 290